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Complex Neural Network based Joint AoA and AoD Estimation for Bistatic ISAC

Published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2024

Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) in wireless systems is a promising paradigm that combines radar sensing and wireless communications for improved performance. In our study, we propose two novel methods for joint angle of arrival and angle of departure estimation in bistatic ISAC systems. Our approach involves deep learning (DL) and a parameterized algorithm, enhancing computational efficiency while maintaining accuracy. Simulations reveal that our DL-based solution shows comparable performance to traditional methods with significantly lower complexity.

Recommended citation: S. Naoumi, A. Bazzi, R. Bomfin and M. Chafii "Complex Neural Network based Joint AoA and AoD Estimation for Bistatic ISAC ", in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, March. 2024.


Speech AI Summit


Abstract: An online conversation with experts from Google, Meta, NVIDIA, and more on trends and techniques in automatic speech recognition (ASR) and text-to-speech (TTS) technologies. Speech AI is becoming ubiquitous, helping businesses around the world power virtual assistants, scale call centers, take meeting notes, enhance AR experiences, and more. During the summit, you’ll hear from speech AI leaders on their latest work - research, production, and open source - to make speech AI more accurate, engaging, and globally accessible.

6G Integrated Sensing and Communications: One for All and All for One


Abstract: Learn how to leverage the up-and-coming technology integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) to maximize the potential of 6G technology. We’ll explore how this will impact use cases across innovative applications from the automotive and unmanned aerial vehicle sector to robotics, and much more. I’ll walk through simulations powered by NVIDIA GPUs that demonstrate the potential of this technology. We’ll also explore the main challenges and current state of the art of ISAC for 6G.


Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

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Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

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